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In the Fall of 2015, an espresso station was added to the C-Store that made crimson cup coffee very accessible to students living in Lincoln and Morrill Tower on west campus. One day a co-worker suggested that we should sell a drink similar to a chocolate chip frappuccino at Starbucks. Having previously worked at McDonald's, I knew what ingredients were added to the chocolate chip frape that they sold. I was able to use this knowledge to replicate the drink using Crimson Cups standards for building drinks. Do to this not being a drink on our typical menu, we did not have a button on our register for it and had to ring it up as a different drink. Even with this I was still able to see a substantial difference in sales when looking at sales reports once we started advertising the drink in the store. We sold this drink for one semester until Crimson Cup asked us not to advertise the drink so that their drink options would be consistent across campus, but they were appreciative of our ambition to make new drinks.  

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